Moving and Resizing Employee Panels
Automatically Resizing Panels
Adjusting the Panel Image Position
Moving and resizing Employee panels in WorkplaceManagement can be done by clicking and dragging areas of the panel.
Moving and Resizing Employee Panels
1. Enter the Employees Edit Mode by clicking the Edit button, then Employees, at the top right of the screen. The edit tools will now appear.
2. Select the Employee panel you wish to move or resize.
3. Click and drag on the panel body to move it around the floorplan.
4. Select the bottom or right edge and drag to resize the panel vertically or horizontally. Select the bottom right corner to resize vertically and horizontally at the same time.
5. You can automatically resize the panel to fit text by selecting the resize button from the edit menu.
6. Click on the 'Save' button in the top toolbar when you are finished in Edit Mode. This will confirm any changes made.
Automatically Resizing Panels
You can automatically resize panels to fit text by selecting the Auto Size button from the edit menu.
Adjusting the Panel Image Position
The employee image can be positioned to the left, right, bottom, or top of the text. To toggle through alignments, select the Image Position button from the edit menu.
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